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We are so glad you are here!​


We are a family of Christians.  Some were born as Episcopalians, but many have come to the Episcopal Church later in life. We are retirees, workers, empty nesters, professionals, young families, teens, singles, and couples. We believe in one God, we believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, and we believe in the Holy Spirit.  We believe in the Holy Sacraments and we teach the Holy Bible. We believe God loves you - no exceptions. 




Greeters will offer all attendees a service bulletin upon entrance to the church. At St. Peter's we follow the liturgy of the Episcopal Church as found in the Book of Common Prayer. We use Rite 1 for the 8:00 AM service, Rite 2 for the 9:15 AM and 11:15 AM services. During Advent and Lent, the 11:15 service uses Rite 1. We celebrate Communion at every service. There is no music at 8:00 AM. The 9:15 service uses a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary Christian music accompanied by the Praise and Worship team. Traditional hymns are sung at 11:15 accompanied by the Chancel Choir. The Chancel Choir performs an Anthem during the offertory.


In between the 9:15 and 11:15 service, coffee and donuts are served in Tucker Hall. Please join us! 


Children's Chapel and Nursery​


Following the first and second reading, all children are invited to process in children's chapel during the sequence hymn. A nursery for children 3 and under is available at the 9:15 and 11 AM services. The nursery is located in Shelton Hall. During the summer, the nursery is available at the 10:00 AM combined service. For more information on the nursery, click here!


St. Peter's Episcopal Church

The Rev. Bert Baetz, Rector
320 St. Peter Street
Kerrville, Texas 78028
Google Map


(830)257-8162 Phone


St. Peter's Episcopal School

Janet Boutin, School Director
321 St. Peter Street
Kerrville, Texas 78028
Google Map


(830)257-0257 Phone

(830)257-0283 Fax

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