The adult ministry is designed to create a more personal, intimate setting for sharing God’s word in a safe, friendly environment. At St. Peter’s there are a number of groups to fit various needs. Can’t find a group to suit you? Do you have an idea for a small study group? Contact our church office for information.
We would love for you to get involved in one of our groups! Updated notices and information for these groups can be found in our Rock Road Newsletter. Or, contact the group manager directly using our stay connected page.

Contemplative Prayer
Path of Life
Sisters and Scripture
Friday Book Study
Chancel Choir
Praise Team
Altar Guild
Eucharistic Visitors
St. Paul's Guild
Labyrinth Guild
St. Jerome's Guild
Rosemary's Helping Hands
The Order of the Daughters of the King
The Junior Order of the Daughters of the King
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew
Hospital Visitors
Communicats (Office Volunteers)
Rock Roadies
Prayers, Fellowship, and Football (PFF)
Community Best Timers
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
The Cottage Shop
Love for the Least Partners
Hamburgers for the Hungry
The Wednesday Men's Group